Address by Ambassador Ertaş at the Reception on the 92nd Anniversary of the Republic
Honorable President of the Constitutional Court,
H.E. Minister Baniciouiu, H.E. Minister Gerea,
Honorable members of the Parliament,
Your Royal Highness,
Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great honor to welcome you this evening as we celebrate the 92nd
anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey. I would like to extend a special welcome to His Excellency Minister Baniciouiu and Minister Gerea, as well as members of the Romanian Parliament, and many high level civilian and military officials who have always supported us in further developing our strategic partnership.
Ladies and gentlemen,
As we approach to the centenary of the Republic, we are proud to have a country of more than 75 million that could merge tradition with modernity, with a vibrant democracy and strong economy, with young and dynamic population, as well as successful entrepreneurs, some of which are here with us today. We still cherish fondly the heritage of our visionary founding father Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Our drive to more democracy and prosperity has faced many challenges.
However, despite occasional setbacks, our nation managed to move forward. We are once again witnessing the rise of instability factors, notably terrorism of different kinds, both in our neighborhood and inside the country. Yet, as was proven time and again, thanks to the perseverance of our nation, the great legacy that we inherited, and our robust ties with our allies, we will leave these challenges behind us and will emerge even stronger. Taking this opportunity, I express my sincere gratitude to the Romanian leaders and friends, as well as members of the diplomatic corps for their strong messages of condolence and solidarity following the heinous terrorist attack in Ankara earlier this month.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It has been a year since I assumed my duties as Ambassador of Turkey. It is a true privilege to be able to serve in this beautiful capital. Turkey and Romania enjoy a multi-dimensional relationship. We are allies and strategic partners. From strong political and military dialogue to security relations, from economic and commercial ties to intense contacts in tourism, from cultural field to people-to-people contacts, we experience a constant progress every passing year.
As two growing economies, the bilateral trade surpassed 6 billion dollars last year, making Turkey the largest trading partner of Romania after the EU. In the overall ranking, Turkey is Romania’s fifth largest trading partner and fourth largest export market. More than 10 thousand Turkish companies operate here with an overall investment of about 6 billion Dollars.
One of the most important components of our deep-rooted friendship is the Turkish and Tatar minority, leaders of which are here with us today. We consider them as a solid cultural and social bridge between our nations.
We are proud of their contribution to Romania and the Romanian society. I would like to reiterate our appreciation for the exemplary approach of the Romanian authorities towards them.
Once again, I welcome you all and I hope you enjoy the Turkish hospitality.Now, allow me to say a few words in Turkish to the members of the Turkish – Tatar community.
Kıymetli vatandaş ve soydaşlarımız,
Cumhuriyetimizin kuruluşunun 92. yıldönümünü sizlerle birlikte Bükreş’te kutlamanın heyecanını yaşıyoruz.
Bu anlamlı günde, başta büyük önder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk olmak üzere, modern Türkiye’nin kurulmasında çok büyük fedakârlıklar sergileyen atalarımızı ve Cumhuriyetimizin muhafazası için canlarını feda eden aziz şehitlerimizi rahmet ve minnetle anıyoruz.
Geride bıraktığımız yaklaşık bir asırlık sürede muasır medeniyet yolundaki ilerleyişimiz, milli birlik ve egemenliğimizi tehdit eden gelişmelerle sınandı. Ancak her şeye rağmen Türkiye Cumhuriyeti yoluna devam etti. Sözkonusu ilerleyişimizi durdurmak amacıyla son dönemde yeniden terör silahına başvuran hain çevreler bu kez de amaçlarına ulaşamayacaklar. Bu vesileyle, hain terör saldırılarında şehit olan güvenlik güçlerimiz ile hayatını kaybeden masum vatandaşlarımıza Allah’tan rahmet, ailelerine metanet ve yaralılara acil şifalar diliyorum.
Değerli vatandaş ve soydaşlarımız,
Ülkemiz ve Romanya arasındaki mevcut iyi ilişkilerin her geçen yıl daha da gelişmekte olduğunu hep birlikte memnuniyetle müşahede ediyoruz. Bunda sizlerin önemli payınız vardır. Sizler iki ülke arasında güçlü ve kalıcı bir köprü vazifesi görmektesiniz. İnsanımızın çalışkanlığı, dürüstlüğü ve diğer erdemleriyle Romanya’ya ve Romen toplumuna sağladığı katkılardan gurur duyuyoruz.
Bu duygu ve düşüncelerle 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramınızı en içten dileklerimle tekrar kutlar, hepinize saygı ve sevgilerimi sunarım.
Doamnelor şi domnilor,
Ar fi trebuit sa vorbesc romaneşte pentru ca sunt de un an aici. Recunosc, nu am reuşit. Darscuza mea este foarte solida. Relatiile intense dintre turci şi romani ımi ocupa tot timpul. Nu am ınvatat romaneşte dar cunosc ındeaproape frumoasadumneavoastra cultura şi am legat prietenii frumoase. Voi depune eforturi ın continuare pentru a ıntari şi mai mult legaturile puternice dintre tarile noastre.Printre bucatele pe care vi le oferim sunt şi exmple ale bucatariei noastre comune. Va doresc o seara frumoasa. Multumesc
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